Please be informed:
There is a 48 hour cancellation policy for all services.
If less than 48 hours is given. The charge will be for full appointment.
ReProgram 3 month Package
NES Bioenergetics and Versus Brain Training
Service Description
Re-program is Bioenergetics and Brain Performance technology combined in a protocol for wellness to help us get back to a harmonious way of functioning in life. Re-program is a non-invasive, pharmaceutical free program consisting of bioenergetics and neuro-technology, frequency balancing, nutrition and coaching. The neuro-technology components include a subtle neuro response process that creates coherency and synchronization of brain signaling. The Versus brain training technology does an assessment on how your brain functions under stress and then creates "games" that train the brain to move towards adaptive processes. An optimal way of handling stress and aiding in focus. Allowing the brain to create a healthy responsive state to utilize during stressful interactions moving away from the reaction it is used to being engaged in. Versus brain training alone has been shown to create stress resilience, better sleep quality, reductions in trauma, stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as increases in quality of life and executive functioning processes. We optimize this brain training program by using NES bioenergetics system which decodes the human body field to get to the root cause of imbalance and the way it is functioning. The NES system allows us to Assess, unblock and correct the imbalances. These 2 technologies work together to bring our beings back into a harmonious balanced state of being and awareness. Start to Reprogram your life today. This program includes a NES Scan every 30 days 2 Infoceuticals sent to you for use daily. A Versus brain assessment and set up of skill building games. What to expect- For the first 30 days your first appointment and coaching will take about 2 hours. You will come in twice a week for Frequency treatment and Versus brain training session this Takes about 45 min. Every 30 days this process will repeat, we will have a coaching discuss your progress and look at where you are at and how we can implement things to order infoceuticals.
Cancellation Policy
Thank you for honoring our time and energy as we do yours. If you cancel your appointment less than 48 hours prior to your scheduled time you will be charged the full amount, Due to very limited availability. Thank you and we send many Blessings Transcendence Life Center.
Contact Details
Transcendence Life Center, East Baseline Road, Tempe, AZ, USA